Our lives were starting to get pretty
messed up back in the 90's before that day in 1997 when we decided to join a
meditation group in a cosy little Munich's dance school. We were
on our regular hunt for the daily dose of drugs, when from a shop
window we saw that Indian lady with a beautiful, mystic smile on her
face, looking at us and like trying to say: "Stop, my children! Ease
down and don't waste this precious life."
And so we decided. We wrote down the
address from the poster and next week there we were. Two worn out
drug addicts sitting in that cosy dance school and waiting for the
answers. We didn't know what to expect. We were seekers, we sought
for the Answer, but our way of seeking brought us only destruction
and misery. We didn't really expect any miracle to happen, but we
silently hoped for it with all our hearts.
And it happened. It wasn't an explosion
of positive energy. We didn't see the light and we didn't feel like
flying. But it was exactly that subtleness that struck us. The love
and dedication of these people trying to make us feel at home. Their
efforts while "working" on us to let us feel what they called the
vibrations. The joy we felt when the vibrations came, a very tiny
feeling in our hand palms, a soothing breeze. The voice of Shri
Mataji on the video tape saying that there is light in each of us
and that the age of love and enlightenment is dawning. Everything
was right. It was like all the answers and all the questions were
forgotten, and the only answer we wanted was: how to keep this
awareness? That was the day we gave up drugs mentally. We both knew
we were stopping. Now it was only the question of clearing the body,
which was not a simple task, but the biggest step was made. We knew
we found the Way.
So we kept coming on this meditations. It
was our weekly spiritual bath. We could wash off all the dirt we
collected during passed days and we were going home every time
amazed by the effects of a collective meditation. Very soon we
started meditating daily at home. A couple of months later, after a
decade of intensive drug abuse, we gave up all our addictions.
Half a year later Shri Mataji visited
Munich. In a big congress hall, on a beautifully decorated chair,
She sat talking to a group of a little thousand seekers. She talked
about the Love, about the Truth, about how we, the humans, have the
choice to make a difference, to become angels and saints. She said,
all we have to do is to desire it with all our hearts and it will
work out. And we desired...
From here onwards our lives took a
different swing. Few months later we moved to the Sahaja Yoga ashram
in Munich. Our life situation has improved in all aspects. We
were blessed with a beautiful daughter. We were healthy, happy and
enjoying every moment. We got good jobs. Another daughter arrived. We
spent few most amazing years living together with the big family of
Sahaja yogis. And the most special of all, we grew spiritually into
this miracle called Sahaja Yoga.
Now, a few years later, we live in our own
apartment and together with three other Sahaja Yoga families we are
looking for a big house to live collectively again. Because we know:
we want to do this together, for the rest of our lives...
Daniel & Madhuri (c) 2004