Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Founder of Sahaja Yoga Testimonial of Didier Gauvin, Kenya, Africa: Some time ago in Kenya, Mutua, a good brother yogi, who at that time used to work for me, invited me to his village to spread Sahaja Yoga. Since I had a few days holiday, we took this opportunity to go and meet his family and friends. We were four yogis going to Kibwezi - men, including Mutua, and one lady, all living in the same house, two hours south of Nairobi. We stayed three days in the beautiful countryside around the village, going from one point to another and giving a few small programmes, where about thirty or more people got their Realisation, with many kids escorting us everywhere. On the last day, Mutua told me, "There is a last important person you have to visit - my father. He knows there is a foreigner in the village, so he is waiting for us." It was like a kind of 'protocol' visit. So we went towards the place where his father used to live. I just took one picture of Shri Mataji with me As we were coming closer to the little hut where the old man lived alone, I was wondering what to say him and then just left it to Mother. |