Information For Broughton Trader's Visitors - Privacy Statement

circular logo for information, white i on sky blue backgroundAnonymous Statistics

We collect some data about how visitors use this website. The data collected is anonymous. It will not identify the visitors. We will have no idea who you are and will not seek to find out who you are. But we are keen to know that somebody is there! The purpose of this page is to inform you.

Unless your computer or internet browser has been set up to restrict this recording, we will track activity when website pages load and collect related information. In broad terms, we simply want to discover which pages are being visited and how long people spend on them. We are also interested in where visitors came from or where they leave from and how often they visit. For example, are visitors being sent by Search Engines or do they arrive from links on other websites?


The data collection mechanism will place some small files in your computer's memory and on the hard disk, called Cookies. They are only placed for our purpose and are classed as 1st Party Cookies. We will not place data on behalf of somebody else. So, no 3rd Party Cookies.

More Information

The description above is rather technical. If it means little to you, we suggest that you need to be aware that anonymous statistical information is likely to be collected, but you need not be worried about that.

If you have any queries or concerns, please let us know. We have a page with our Contact Details.
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South Leicestershire Business Directory - Data Collection Policy