Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Founder of Sahaja Yoga
Testimonial of Marian Trascu, Ploiesti, Romania:
"A Miracle Via Television"
I am Marian Trascu from Ploiesti. I am 39 and I have been practising Sahaja Yoga for almost 12 years. I came to Sahaja Yoga after a short TV presentation of this technique (about 5 minutes long). A few moments after the beginning of this emission I was showered with joy, comfort, tranquillity, optimism and spiritual fulfilment – as if I had been connected to a source of the 'life force'. I couldn't remember the last time that I had felt like that – some of these feelings were absolutely new to me.
For many years I had practised Hatha Yoga, hoping for some spiritual accomplishment, but my only accomplishment had been a disturbed nervous system: a phobic neurosis had tormented me for several years, my mind had been haunted by strange thoughts and my physical health had also been affected by tuberculosis of the lungs as a result of this imbalance.
At the end of that TV presentation I felt like a soldier who arrives home at last, after long tribulation, joining his family and realising that peace has come. I realised that I had finally found what I was seeking when I was practising Hatha Yoga, when I was wandering in different religious organizations, or when I was escaping into psychological or philosophical literature. This was the land of Spirituality, of the essence, which gives you that balanced state of peace and fulfilment – beyond duality.